Well, I just find it so hard to believe that people are as stupid and indifferent as they appear but then, maybe they really are.
Now, let me see if I have got this right?
Some stone age Arabs hi-jacked
Four commercial flights
Then flew them all at high speed
Into targets on the ground
And none of them were stopped
'cause, uh... no one was around?
There were lap dancers in Florida
Passports in New York
Where nothing else survived...
Is this some kind of joke?
Two enormous buildings
Melt to nothing on the ground
Like timed demolition
But no evidence was found
No evidence was found
'cause they carted it away
They quickly melted it all down
And shipped it to Bombay
The president read nursery rhymes
To a peer group in the south
Banal cloaking lunacy
Kept pouring from his mouth
While the two towers burned
While the Pentagon trembled
While the nation stood in shock
The president dissembled
Let me see if I got this right?
Seven of the hijackers
Weren't even on the flights
No jet fighters scrambled
'though they were supposed to be
Like they did for that golfers plane
The president said he saw a plane
Crashing on TV
But according to the timeline
There's no possibility
The medias in lockstep
Ballroom waltzing through the lies
And nobody knows anything
They just let it slide
Have I got it right that
Afterwards he ran and hid
And through his life before
He failed at everything he did
He walked away from his cushy post
At the Texas National Guard
Whilst evading Vietnam
And snorting on the job
They made him Texas governor
Where he accomplished dick
And then he fronted for the coup
oh yeah they're plenty slick
After purging out the voter roles
they went to the supreme
Merrily, merrily oh this is quite obscene
And then the twin towers burned
And then the jackboots started pounding
To the unfinished symphony
Of fascism resounding
Something stinks in Denmark
Or more likely in D.C.
Manipulated by alerts
That never came to be
They marched into Afghanistan
Now the opium can flow
Who's the mind behind it all
You think you'll ever know?
Then they marched into Iraq
'cause of some immediate threat
And what about those WMDs?
Nah, they ain't found them yet
Bush marched out with his crotch stuffed
To proclaim the victory
Soldiers die now every day
So you can drive an SUV
He fell of the Segway
Like a drunken vaudeville clown
And then he picked your pocket
Whilst on his way down
Then he took your money
And he gave it to the rich
He drove the country off the road
Right into a ditch
The polls are getting bad
And the country is confused
People now are thinking
That maybe they got used
But when power is an absolute
And keeping it is too
There really is no limit
To what these men might do
And the twin towers burned
And nothing has been learned
And the cloak of darkness fell
Over the bodies in the well
Visible's 2002 album '911 was an Inside Job'

© 2002 Visible